
Multi-Champion David v. Henneberger Schloss

  • Klubsieger BK
  • Deutscher Champion Klub
  • Deutscher Champion ( VDH )
  • Jahressieger CZ
  • Tschech. Champion
  • Ungar. Ju.-Klubsieger
  • HPJ Hung. Prima Junior

15.10.1997 - 29.01.2010


convinced with his beauty, character, working and health:

  • VPG3, IPO3, FH1, BH, AD, ZTP, Körung
  • HD-B1, Herz 0, Spondylose 0
  • VPG1 with C = 100a and VPG3 with C = 95a
  • description of his character at the Körung: good-natured and full of temperament, perfectly barking and banning, hard and full in beating, by absolutly clear work and stopping ( E. Skruschny ).

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